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How are you spending this year’s King’s Day Amsterdam? Are you perhaps planning to take a walk through the razzle-dazzle with your family and friends? That’s, okay. But, let’s be honest for a minute. Isn’t this the same concept you did last year? It’s not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course. This is especially so since the festival’s ambience differs each year, even though it’s the same concept being celebrated. However, a different method of celebrating wouldn’t hurt, right?

At this point, you might already have an idea where we are going with this statement. Well, how does the idea of hopping on a private canal cruise Amsterdam to celebrate the day sound? It’s the best way to experience this holiday, after all. Read further to know what supplies you might need for the canal cruise on King’s Day Amsterdam.

Dress the part!

Before boarding the boat for the canal cruise Amsterdam, you will be walking down the streets and through the crowd. So make sure you dress the part! And the dress code for this oh so amazing festival? Orange! The hat, the shirt and to be a little extra the shorts too. Keep in mind that you will spend most of the time in an open boat, so make sure you bring the essentials such as:

  • Your slippers or comfortable sandals
  • An extra t-shirt
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses (if necessary)

With this little “suitcase” list of your one-day cruise, you’re finally ready to go!

Food and drinks

And don’t forget to bring enough snacks and lots of liquid too. It’s a festival, so while you’re partying, your hand will probably hold a bottle of your favorite beer or at least a cup of juice. It certainly is possible to ask the organization to cater food and drinks for the canal cruise Amsterdam. “How do you do that?” you asked? During the reservation (which you’ll want to place on time), please ask for the menu they have planned or put together for that day and then place your orders. It’s just as simple as that!

Some people, however, do prefer to enjoy the holiday with their own cooking and thankfully, they could! We also like to keep in mind that some of our guests might not tolerate, for example, you guessed it, lactose.

And the last thing you want is having a bad stomach while you should be out under the sun, with the wind in your hair and surrounded by a great atmosphere. But when it comes to the drinks, the chances are high that Floating Amsterdam has everything you’d want to drink, so it’s perfectly safe to make a request, especially with the mini bar in the center of the boat. Unless you have a budget and decide to bring yours, which is totally okay too. Make this private cruise your own!

Hi there! Hallo daar!

Do remember that the canals will be flooded with all kinds of boats and many nice people like you dressed in orange. Make sure you say hi and wish them a happy day. With all the people around, it’s a great opportunity to make new friends.


Floating Amsterdam
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 30A
1012 GD Amsterdam